Self Guided training to get a leg up w/ DriSteem, Desert Aire & Roberts Gordon!
Below are three product groups that your boss secretly wishes you knew about. He or she hopes that you’re trained up, but doesn’t want to take you away from your work for the training.
That is where design guides come in. All information in one place for your review? No way!
We have linked three design guides below. These systems are not just selected – they are designed. They require additional time and attention to get right.
We want to make this 3-step process easy!
- Choose one of the design guides, the one that most affects the work that you do (we have more if none of these fit your work!)
- Study up, but don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Ask your CFM Company rep where the most common obstacles and mistakes are. Use our experience to save you time and reading!
- Review a past job from your firm and compare what you know with what was drawn. Share with your boss or your team. Build standards so future teammates get these system designs correct as well.
We can’t guarantee you a promotion, but this is the sort of work that elevates careers. It’s simple and it works!

We’d like to thank those of you who took the Runtal® radiator quiz last week. Here are the answers in case you were wondering.
Question 1: Which product should you select?
A. R2F-4
B. R3F-2
C. R2F-5
D. It can’t be done
Question 2: What’s the product depth (how far from the wall does it project?)
A. 5”
B. 3-3/8”
C. 2”
D. It’s recessed
Question 3: What’s the required water flow? (Hint: total BTU/hr = 500 x gpm x DT)
A. 3 gpm
B. 4.5 gpm
C. 15 gpm
D. 1.5 gpm
Question 4: What’s the pressure drop for the whole arrangement with both radiators?
A. 2.44 ft
B. 0.40 ft
C. 1.76 ft
D. 1.00 ft
Question 5: The owner wants it pedestal-mounted. How many KR20 pedestal brackets need to be ordered?
A. That’s not my job, I’m an engineer. That’s your job.
B. 6.
We’ll be in touch with the winners before the end of the week with the Uber Eats gift card information.
If your team wants to learn more about Runtal®, please schedule a virtual meeting with us and we’ll catch everybody up!