HEPA Filters 101 – HVAC Home School Lunch and Learn

“No Contact Delivery” Newsletter

HEPA filters are applied in health care, electronics manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and a variety of other critical environments, and they are applied in different ways.
We’d like to help you understand HEPA filters better, so let’s start with a 45-minute introductory course.
We can’t cram any more than that into the time allotted, so we have to leave it there!
Your speaker will be Mark Renn, the HEPA/ULPA product manager for AAF Flanders. Mark has over 20 years of experience in HEPA filtration and you won’t be able to stump him. Don’t even try.

Please join us for CFM Company’s next session of HVAC Homeschool Lunch and Learn with a $25.00 Uber Eats gift card. The 45-minute webinar will cover the following:
- Definitions and classifications of HEPA (the “101”)
- Factory and field certification tests for HEPA filters in AHU’s, ceiling modules and fan filter units
- Introduction to eFRM media and how it compares to glass media in HEPA filters
*Pre-Registration required for $25.00 Uber Eats Gift Card